
You know what a “spose-ta” is, right? You’ve heard them all your life. As in, “I’m spose-ta wash the dishes.” Or: “You’re spose-ta clean up your room.” Spose-ta’s often involve doing household chores, it seems, or other unpleasant tasks.

Now, some spose-ta’s are good for society. “You’re spose-ta obey the law.” “You’re not spose-ta play with fire.”

Too often, though, spose-ta’s are needlessly damaging. I have spent years getting out from under such spose-ta’s as:

–be rich

–be cool

–be anger-free

Well. I am pretty sure it’s too late for me to be rich. Being cool means being not so hot. Being anger-free is a denial of human nature.

Dear readers: what is your least favorite spose-ta?